Top 10 biggest cities of France that you should visit

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Paris is the largest city in France due to its number of inhabitants.
The city has 2,125,851 inhabitants.

The city of Paris covers 105.4 km2.

Paris, an enlarged capital
The sun in Paris is "only" 1,693 hours of sunshine per year against 1973 hours for the national average ...
The coat of arms of the city of Paris
The coat of arms of the city of Paris
A weekend in Paris:
For a weekend in Paris at the weekend could be very loaded.
- Visit the touristic district of Montmartre.
- Notre Dame de Paris and the Ile de la Cité.
- The Eiffel Tower. Quick tip buy your tickets through the website of the Eiffel Tower. This will avoid a long wait.
To address the Eiffel Tower we advise you to arrive by the Trocadero.
- Major boulevard, Opera, Place Vendome and department stores.
- Visit of the Louvre and the Tuileries Garden Orangerie Museum.
- Visit of the Bastille district of the Arsenal area, the Marais.


797,491 people present on the 240.6 km2 of the city of Marseille.

Marseille, did you know?

Marseille is the city of France's oldest, it was founded 26 centuries ago by the Greeks, specifically the Phoenicians.

The old port of Marseille is a natural deep water harbor. And that's one of the advantages of the city that has allowed it to grow for more than 2600 years.

The motto of the city of Marseille:
"The city of Marseille shines through his deeds"

- Visit of the Bastille district of the Arsenal area, the Marais.
The city of Marseille attracts more and more tourists.
While in Marseille you will need to visit:

- The creeks, a must and exceptional place.

- The range of the Prado.
The visit of the Corniche and beach is a must.

- Walking around the Old Port.

- You want to see the city from the heights? Go to Notre Dame de la Garde. At 157 meters you will enjoy a 360 degree panorama.

- Attending a match Olympique Marseille at the Velodrome stadium.


445,274 inhabitants the third largest cities in France.

The city covers just over 47.87 km2.

The city regularly fight the second place in Marseille.
Lyon, did you know?

The center of the city of Lyon is a peninsula surrounded by the Rhone and Saone right to left.

Lyon was founded by the Romans in the first century BC, to become the capital of the three Gauls during the Roman occupation.

Lyon is a city with a rich architecture, Lyon is also registered in the world heritage of UNESCO.

Tours in Lyon:

Here are some tips if you are visiting Lyon.

- Climb on colone Fourvière.
So you can enjoy a magnificent view of the city.
Visit the Roman amphitheater. The Basilica of Our Lady of Fourvière is also a place not to be missed.

-Partir To discover the Croix Rousse, a Bohemian neighborhood or many small very nice cafés. Take a detour to the gardens of the great Coast.

- Visit the Saint-Jean.

- Discover the famous Traboules, passages through the courtyards, much like in St. Petersburg.
There are nearly 500 traboules in Lyon and the 500 passages nearly 200 are within the Saint John area.

- Wander along the Rhone river.

- Discover the famous Lyonnais caps. Traditional bistros where one combines typical dishes and wines of Burgundy and Beaujolais.


390,301 inhabitants live in the pink city. "O Toulouse"
Toulouse capital of the violet flower is celebrated every year in February.

In ancient Greek is braided purple crowns they set on the head in order to pass lous headaches especially after well-watered festivities.
Later scientists, even them, discovered that the purple actually contained acetyl salicylic acid.

Toulouse attracts new residents each year due to its architecture and climate.

Toulouse was for centuries the capital of the Visigoths.
The city also was crossed by the wars of religion


Avec 343 123 habitants Nice occupe à la cinquième place des villes les plus grandes de France. Si l’on prend en compte l’agglomération niçoise on dépasse le million d’habitants.
Nice est la préfecture du département des Alpes-Maritimes. (06)
La superficie de la ville est de 71,92 km², la densité de population est de 4770 habitant au km².
Le point le plus haut de la ville de Nice est de 520 mètres.

Nice is also 2,724 hours of sunshine a year, a beautiful weather performance.
Did you know?
The city of Nice welcomes nearly 4 million visitors annually. In terms of hotel capacity the city has the second largest hotel capacity in the country.
Nice airport is the third largest airport in France.
Independent long (County of Nice) the city of Nice is attached to France in 1860


Nantes is the city in which to live, this city also happens regularly topping the charts on the living.
The city of Nantes has 270 343 inhabitants.

La capitale Alsacienne compte 263 941 habitants.
La densité de la population à Strasbourg est de 3500 habitants au km2.
La superficie de la ville est de 78,26 km2.

225 511 habitants, Cette ville attire de plus en plus d’habitants de part se situation géographique.
La population de la ville a été miltipliée par 2 en 40 ans.

Tantôt française, tantôt espagnole, la ville de Montpellier est aujourd’hui une capitale régionale très active, tant sur le plan économique que culturel.
La ville regorge de richesses, de loisirs et d’activités. Que ce soit dans l’arrière pays avec la Camargue que sur la côte.
La qualité de vie de la ville de Montpellier est exceptionnelle.
Le charme du centre ville, la plus grande zone piétonne de France, ruelles médiévales, hôtels particulier sont autant d’atouts pour la ville.

9. Bordeaux
La ville de Bordeaux comptent 215 374 habitants.
Blason de la ville de Bordeaux
Blason de la ville de 
La devise de la ville de Bordeaux : Les lys règnent seuls sur la lune, les ondes, la forteresse et le lion.
Capitale mondiale du vin, la ville de Bordeaux est la référence, si bien que russes, chinois et américains se pressent pour racheter les vignobles bordelais.

10. Rennes
Rennes occupe la dixième place du classement des villes les plus grandes de France avec 206 294 habitants.
Rennes, préfecture de l’Ile et Vilaine (35), s’étend sur 50,39 km2. La densité d’habitants au km2 est de 4165.
La ville aurait été fondée au 2 ème siècle avant JC, par la tribu des Riedones.
La ville se trouve au confluent de l’Ile et de la Vilaine.
La devise de la ville de Rennes est « Vivre en intelligence »
Blason de la ville de Rennes
Blason de la ville de Rennes

hope you liked them :)



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