The 10 best places in Spain for hiking in spring.

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1. Natural Park delos Acorns, Andalucía

One of the best kept secrets in the province of Cádiz is the Natural Park of bedrooms. A beautiful corner in autumn combing looking for mushrooms, and spring runs the smell of laurel, oregano, thyme and mustard. By its 170,000 hectares run like veins hundreds of ways that let you enjoy inch landscapes. Rise to Picacho, the path of Valdeinfierno or walk along the Rio de la Miel, you'll get so blue and green that few will guess snapshots that were taken in Andalusia.
Click on the photo and discover the 10 most unusual corners of Andalusia

2. Irati and Lumbier, Navarra

The Irati Forest is a forest of beech and fir larger Europe, but often come to her walkers attracted by the river that bears its name. The spotless waters of the Irati that accumulate in the Irabia reservoir first, and then the Itoiz reservoir. Any road that runs through this place can be a pleasure for the senses. But if you do not feel up to seek the Irati jungle until you can meet him further south, for example, the height of the Foz of Lumbier. Here, already mixed with Areta and Salazar rivers, the Irati has shaped an impressive gorge that easily runs. Dare to touch his icy waters, have at hand.

3. Valley Jerte, Extremadura

If words Jerte and spring go in the same sentence, surely accompany a pair of cherry trees. And in few places as spring is spring and Jerte Valley, where the moment arrived cherry which explode explosion of flowers. Hundreds of paths cross this area, ideal if you want your walk ends in a sea of white petals. Navaconcejo, Head of the Valley, Tornavacas Jerte or the same can be good place to start or end any path. To know how it goes flowering trees, visit Tourism Parks. There you can find the exact look you wear their cherry at that time.

4. Menorca, Balearic Islands

Would you dare to go around the island of Menorca walk? That's what proposes Horse Riding Track, 185 route kilometers of coastline which enjoy much more than sea. Ravines, streams, fog, trenches and beautiful coves do you offer this historical path of travel great site in a Biosphere Reserve.

5. Natural Park of Lake Sanabria, Castile and Leon

Endless walks run by nearby Lake Sanabria, the largest glacier lake in the Iberian Peninsula. In the waters that dot the more than 22,000 hectares of its park, otters riding their holidays in the early spring. Maybe you can attend one if you decide to go Tera Canyon, a route that starts in Ribadelago Viejo and is most entertaining, because it has stones, cascadillas, streams, caves and even a Poza of Nymphs. Do not take this place for granted. Her beauty impressed the very Miguel de Unamuno, who dedicated two poems in San Manuel Bueno, Martyr

6. Sierra de Guadarrama, Madrid

Madrid Sierra de Guadarrama is an excellent option to enjoy spring without straying too far from the capital. One of its most popular routes is the Cascade of Purgatory. Enjoy Paular monastery, cross the Bridge of Forgiveness and back during the gable river until you reach your goal: Cascade of Purgatory in question. Want to know a secret? Normally a jump of more spectacular behind water forms. If you get there do not miss it.

7. Cape Finisterre, Galicia

Few routes are craving more poetic than one that finished watching a sunset while the Atlantic waves crash against what once was the end of the world. That's what I'll do if you start walking in San Guillermo and continue to Cape Finisterre, a declared European Heritage in 2007. Do not panic if you see upon arriving boots and clothes burning, it is tradition that many pilgrims and dispose the outfit that accompanied them during their Camino de Santiago.

8. Region of Saja Nansa, Cantabria

Many are the paths that mark the region dominated by Saja and Nansa rivers, but only one guarding over 800 giant sequoias. Dare to walk the unusual Sequoia National Monument Mount Cabezon a enrome forest found on the Mount of Las Navas, within walking distance of Cabezon de la Sal. If you are after seeing him want to walk more, continue your road through the mountains of Ucieda, Peñarrubia valley or San Sebastian de Garabandal.

9. Great Path of Málaga, Andalucía

Almost anywhere between Málaga and the provinces with limiting serve for starting the great Path of Málaga. This circular route of over 650 kilometers of trails linking the region with the European Mozarabic Camino de Santiago and the Grand Tour ends in Greece. Do not panic, you can also enjoy the Andalusian route in small doses, because their creators have strategically divided into 17 stages. Check them on maps free download from their official website.

10. The Pyrenees, Catalonia

In the Pyrenees do fine all year round, but is especially pleasant walk them when the sun caresses. A blue, gray and green spectacular scenery will be your partner if you dare to make the route de Carros de Foc a leg-breaker about 55 kilometers at an average of 2,400 meters during a vertical drop of 9,200 accumulates. This tremendous ride is in the Aigüestortes Sant Maurici National Park. For its hardness is intended for a minimum of five days. If you love mountains and are fit, go for it! The beauty of the sites is such that makes the effort worthwhile. If you do not see clear nothing happens, you can devote yourself to enjoy the miles of trails that run along the park and its Aragonese neighbor, the National Park of Ordesa and Monte Perdido, also a paradise for any mountain lover .

Do you know any other hiking route in Spain perfect for spring? Share it with us :)



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